So, the first Dwarven Rifleman novella, ‘Rear Guard,’ is about to go off for editing and is on-track for release by the end of the month. In it’s present form it’s about 15-16K words long.  The first short story from Rifleman’s World (as yet unnamed) is also nearing completion and will hopefully be released next month.  A little explanation is in order here- the Dwarven Rifleman Series are stories directly related to Engvyr Gunnarson, the main character of ‘Diaries of a Dwarven Rifleman.’  Rifleman’s World stories are set in the world of that novel, but do not involve Engvyr or his immediate family.

Naturally we’re also back to work on ‘Lord of the North,’ the next novel in the Dwarven Rifleman series, which we hope to release in October.  Engvyr is settling into his new position and duties, and theoretically should be devoting all of his energies to that rather than running around having adventures.  But Engvyr has never been strong on theory…  Of course all of his friend’s are back and playing out their own roles.  It’s a more complicated book than the first novel but we’re doing our best to make it just as entertaining.

So far the Dwarven Rifleman Series includes ‘Diaries of a Dwarven Rifleman’ and ‘Lord of the North.’  This will be followed in no particular order by ‘The Half-Elf’s Daughter,’  ‘The Goblin’s Tale’ and culminate in ‘The Maker’s War’ if things go as planned.  Stories from Rifleman’s World will parallel and sometimes expand on events in the Dwarven Rifleman Series.

As if we don’t have enough on our plate with Dwarven Rifleman and Rifleman’s World we have two unrelated novels waiting in the wings, a half-written contemporary fantasy called ‘The Gray Man Journals’ and a SF novel ‘Rage of Angels.’  But those will have to wait…

Kudos to Senator Patty Murray- our dealings with the government were looking as if they were going to drag out even longer, but her office put in a word on our behalf and things are now back on track.  Our friend from Hawaii is doing better, BTW; his various maladies have been diagnosed and are fortunately quite easy to treat.  He’s putting on weight and seems well on the road to recovery at last.  Linda’s job is getting busy, and that’s all to the good as she was getting bored to tears.  All in all things are looking up.