Monday morning.  I slept decently (by my standards,) I don’t have a migraine, there’s a good cup of dark-roasted Sumatra at my left hand.  Thanksgiving plans are well in-hand, and Linda has a four-day weekend coming up. Though it’s early days this has the makings of a good week.

I’ve been thinking about my writing  lately, specifically my blog writing.  Been doing a lot of that  between three blogs of our own and guest-blogging.  Even before I returned to writing fiction I did a lot of writing.  A LOT of writing. I wrote extensively on Sword Forum International and other sword-related sites.  I had my own sub-forum on a British classic car forum and wrote a number of articles at and a couple for magazines.  I wrote a non-fiction book about medieval swords in the modern era. In much of this, especially on Sword Forum, I was writing as an ‘expert.’  I became used to writing with great authority, which is OK because I was a ‘great authority’ of sorts.

Now we write fiction.  In this field I am NOT a great authority; I am in fact the rankest of ‘newbs.’  Yet I find that I am still expressing myself with the same authority that I did on other subjects.  This is not OK, as I have been gently reminded.  A little humility is in order, and going forward I need to bear that in mind.

I hope that you all have a great week, and to my American readers I wish you all a most excellent Thanksgiving.