The Road to Dystopia

Distopian futures have always been a popular theme in Science Fiction, particularly in young adult science fiction. But how do we get to these dystopian futures? In older novels these emerged due to a catastrophe- alien invasion, nuclear war or some other disaster...

Human, Do Not Touch!

In 1986 a criminal was shot, rupturing his the largest vein in his body. Typically you would expect him to drop from a catastrophic loss of blood-pressure in 25-40 seconds. Instead he didn’t stop until he was shot in the head two minutes later- after he had shot...

Space Cruisers- Let’s do This Thing

We need interplanetary cruisers. Not single-use, purpose-built and mission focussed craft. True interplanetary spacecraft. Spacecraft that can change their mind about their course, destination and mission parameters. Spacecraft that can, in a reasonable timeframe, go...

The Aftermath of Apocalypse

Now that Lord of the North is finally wrapping up (finally!) it’s time to return our attention to the rage of Angels sequels. So, the Marabunta have taken their crippled mothership and retreated into the deep solar system to lick their wounds, and they leave...